Monday, 5 December 2011

Coca Cola Lips..

So I was just looking on the Boots website and came across these rather fancy Coca Cola lip glosses and lip balms...

Prices range at £6-7 from boots and can be found here.

I've never seen these when i've been out and about but i'll definitely be having a look around for these now i've seen them online. I love the 40's retro look of the packaging and what makes it more exciting is that each lip gloss/balm has it's own flavour!!!

Also  Model's Own have released their own range of Diet Coke Christmas Kisses lip glosses in four different shades. Boots are currently giving each customer one lipgloss free when you buy two 500ml coca cola bottles instore, click here for more information. Pictures below..

Top: Pure Plum, Glossy Pink.
Bottom: Lacquer Red, Golden Pink. 

I'm excited to try both ranges! Has anyone tried any of these i've mentioned?

Kirsty xxx


  1. I saw the Coca Cola products in Boots at The Fort Retail Park, Birmingham recently but I was walking out of the store, there was a huge queue and my sister and I needed to get to a gig so I didn't have time to buy and haven't seen anywhere since (apart from website!) :(

    I am a sucker for packaging, which is the main reason I like those haha.

    Thanks for following my blog, I am following you back :)

  2. These looks soo cute! :)

